
This is the time



5 Years
03-15-2015, 03:54 PM

Astrea was content. It was not as bad as she original thought. Yes she could not feel the stars as strongly but she got a breathtaking view to make up for that loss, well that and she could always go see Ten on his cliffs. She hummed to herself, feeling the power absorb into herself. She did not fully understand this computation to be close to the stars, but it was almost over powering at times, and even in the daytime she felt the need to get close to them. She hummed again as her eyes closed and letting her body relax until Voltages call snapped her outta her daze.

She calmly got to her paws and moved down the secluded path from her usual perch in the special space her older brothers found for her and her closest siblings, Sol and Selini. She did not know where they where at the moment but that was not uncommon, she seemed to take more pleasure from the closeness then they did.

She exited the family cave and moved toward the meeting spot. She was hoping this would be quick, its not that she did not like spending time with her siblings but not as a group, they where a lively group and she easily got pushed into the background with so many of them. She was not the first there but that was not shocking, her perch was a bit of a walk, but what was shocking was that she was the first of the younger litter to be there. Where was Sol and Selini? They normally showed before her, even in birth. She WAS the youngest after all.

She shrugged without a further thought to her closet sibling and sat in her normal spot in these kinds of meetings, on the fringes, in the shadows of the cliffs, blending into the dark sand.