
Looking For Stars and got the Storm



5 Years
03-15-2015, 04:52 PM

The tension in Astrea's body eased as she saw Volt's glare eased but soon escalated when he slumped. Ten temperately forgotten Astrea rushed forward as he seemed to shrink in on himself. "Voltage?" She pressed her nose to his cheek willing the power she just absorbed from the stars flow through her to him. She was not sure it would work but her suspicions about her older brother could be proved or disproved in this one moment. The mystery of her bother maybe cracked in this one moment, only if this one moved worked. She hummed, feeling the energy of the stars shift in her body, would he take what she offered? She hoped he did, he was her brother, she loved him, she only wanted to help him when she could.

She stopped humming as she pulled away the moment broken, power ebbing its movement, settling back into her. She will need to restore her power, but not now, she could do it tonight, maybe Ten will let her go back to his cliffs; where the power came to her in massive waves.

She turned back to the big male, a large smile breaking out on her face. Now that the escapade of the moment passed she now appropriated why this all happened in the first place. Seerten had fallowed her, just to come see her! She hummed again, deep in her chest, almost akin to how a cat sounds when its at its most content. She moved to Ten then and pressed her nose to his cheek. She had no idea she missed this big male so much until he showed his face around the family den.

"I am glade you came, Ten. I have missed you." She moved her nose and then turned back to her brother, her pale eyes bright with affection. "I will try to give you a heads up the next time I make a new friend." She laughed her starry tail wagging lightly behind her. She watched as her brother turned his head and then apologized. Her tail lowered then, her head tilting to the side slightly. He looked lightly embarrassed, why? He was protecting the family, Ten was large and imposing, so she understood Volt's reaction to him so there was no need to be embarrassed. "Come on Volt, Ten understands why you reacted this way!" She looked back at Ten, a goofy smile much like the ones he gives her spreading her maw. "Right Ten."