
Feels Like Today


03-15-2015, 06:47 PM

Naoise would listen to her aunt, listening well to the lesson she was giving him. It was a lesson she was once taught about the fish of this land, those that came up upstream to spawn in the rivers. They would leave their babies behind because they had faith that, gods willing, they would make it. The male wouldn’t have his path chosen... He had to make it for himself. The young man would lower his ears some, watching her make the ripples in the water. The lesson was one with a deep meaning. A meaning that kind of worried him. The boy would lower his gaze to the earth, continuing to listen as his aunt spoke on.

“But what if I make the wrong choice, Aunt Yurella? What if I end up seeming bad to others? I... I know I was mean to Mystic... That I wasn’t fair to our father. I... I was so scared of being forgotten... That he might like her better... That I let myself be blind to the fact that they both cared. I’m such a butthead... Do you think that they’re ever gonna forgive me?” He would give a low whine. “I... I want to show them I want our family to be together...” He felt the tears again. “I don’t want to make any more mistakes...”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby