
weathered souls

Bronze i


12 Years
06-07-2013, 06:56 AM

Gerhardt agreed that it had been some time since he'd been on a good hunt. Bronze smiled, bowing his head for a moment as though in deep thought. He had subsisted for a good time on small game -- hares, rodents of various sorts, fish, birds -- only occasionally managing to take down a fawn or an injured doe. The fat bull he'd seen from a good distance, prowling about their lands, looked like it would feed the entire pack for some time. Something they needed to think about, as winter was rapidly approaching.

"I'll be eagerly waiting for it," he replied with genuine interest, regarding Gerhardt's call to arms. A good hunt would be satisfying; he could only hope it would occur soon. Some of his fondest moments in his former pack revolved around massive group hunts. He remembered so fondly his father -- adoptive father, Aradcor -- teaching him to hunt. Him and Scudge. He shook his head, as though the motion might clear his head of memories. It didn't this time; it never did.

"Thank you, again," he said, tail flicking briefly behind him at the King's compliments. His power was obvious, despite his age -- he was glad it did not go unnoticed. "I will be seeing you soon, then." Gerhardt had promised he would bring food for the both of them. A piercing gust of wind made Bronze even more anxious to return to Loccian, the pressure to keep her warm growing strong within him. A final nod was given, his gratitude obvious. But he turned to leave quickly, anxious to return to the woman's side.

- exit Bronze -