
The resistance



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-15-2015, 08:30 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

This place got more and more interesting the farther she explored. After meeting Caia, it fueled her in a way nothing else probably would have. It meant that there were more interesting wolves like herself here. Amachi's gray eyes watched her reflection in the water, here, no one cared what she looked like. Perhaps that was the biggest relief because that had been the biggest road block back at home. Of course it had bothered her, but anything that bothered her she never voiced out loud. The huge behemoth was the kind of wolf who lived and let live; she could never blindly hate because of one thing or another. It made her laugh a little, at herself as she looked at her face raising her head to mid neck level as it usually was. What was there to do today, the sun was high in the sky so the water felt nice against her paws.

Amachi looked around for a moment, there was no one around; this was her chance. A smile grew on her face as the female started to splash around in the water happily. Feeling the cool droplets fall onto her heated fur. She looked like one huge puppy playing in the water, it was hot and she was letting off steam since it wasn't something she got to do often. Dropping her body into the water, she rolled onto her back, wagging her tail back and forth. She rolled back over on her stomach panting before she let out a sigh, relaxing was what she really needed. After entirely stressing her whole life, this was bliss.

"Talk" "You" Think