
Cold as Ice



4 Years
03-15-2015, 08:48 PM
Takira felt. She felt so much. She felt too much. Pain, pain at the loss, and physical pain. Blood oozed from the new slashes on her eye, drops dripping down her face slowly. She could not stop, not now, not ever. Life has changed, she cannot be the happy go lucky girl that she once was, no these new marks on her face was a testament to that. As long as they where there she would never forget what happened this day.

The pain eased as the white hot anger filled her blood. Anger so hot that if she did not cool it soon it would consume her very soul. Water splashed up as her paw dropped into cool spring water, She snapped then, stopping as her twisted face looked down, her eyes where sharp as she beard her teeth back at herself. Why was she so weak!? Why was she not able to protect the only wolven that where important to her!? Her mother now lay dead, her sister lost; maybe forever. And it was all her fault! If she had known how to fight should could have protected them!

She closed her amber eyes, eyes what matched her now gone mother, eyes that only brought pain. Even the scars. She had asked her mother how she had gotten those scars, her mother only laughed and joked that it was a curse, her own mother had them and when Taske had died she passed them to her. It seemed to Kira that maybe it was not a joke, for it seemed that with Taska's death Takira was the next in line to receive the curse.

Takira growled then, the harsh sound filling the air around her. She lifted her paw and slammed it down, splashing water into her face. She did not want to face her failures, and looking at the splitting image of her mother that was biggest slap in the face. She lifted her head then, letting the few rays of sunlight falling on her face. The anger was slowly draining from her to only be replaced by a cold chill.

This was a new feeling, she had never had to suppress her emotions before... This cold feeling though, it was an improvement to the searing anger that burned through her just a moment before. Could she ever go back to the child she once was? Could she get her emotions back; could she live with that burning anger and live?
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]