
Cold as Ice



6 Years

03-15-2015, 09:34 PM
The scent of blood, pungent and raw, filled the air. The breeze carried the scent in from the west, gentle but soothing, a welcome reprieve from the intense summer heat. Steel had moved from the coast where he had lived before the death of his parents, moving further inland, and it was significantly warmer here. He was grateful when he found the tall trees of the oak forest, finding solace in the shade of their great canopies. It blocked a great amount of the sun's rays and made the land bearable, especially with his dark pelt.

The yearling felt his nose twitch as he inhaled the air, finding a bit of curiosity well inside him at the scent of blood on the wind. His head would swing to the ground, large paws moving slowly over the ivy-coated earth as he trailed after the scent. It brought back memories he couldn't forget, though he found himself wondering who it was -- and if they needed help. Though he wasn't exactly a caring boy, the thought of letting someone bleed out and not even bothering to check on them didn't settle well with him.

Tentatively he crept through the forest, until he found a small clearing with a body of water in the center. Quickly he caught sight of a girl about his size, with a coat as dark as night. His brows furrowed as he stared into the distance, his head raising a bit as his tail flicked idly behind his standing form. Even from a distance he could tell something was off about her. She seemed distraught; was she the source of the scent of blood? With a wary step he would creep closer to the lake, bending to lap at the cool water as he eyed her from a distance. Though he longed to be close to someone again, the pain that he felt at the loss of his parents was far too great... but even watching someone from a distance was enough solace to keep him composed for now.