
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-16-2015, 12:16 PM

The woman readied herself and invited him to make the first move. Her calling him 'boy' didn't offend him, though really it was such a rude thing to say to an adult wolf. Instead he settled himself as he had been taught by his mother, his heavy build giving the defenses a bulldoggish appearance.

His legs spread just slightly wider than shoulder and hip width for a sturdier stance, and he adjusted his weight to be evenly distributed and centered. His joints bent slightly to lower his center of gravity, as his back rounded upward just a bit for freer movement and his shoulders hunched forward. His head dropped to be level with his spine, pulling back slightly as his muzzle tipped down to protect his throat. Hackles rose, tipped golden in contrast to the darker brown of his shoulders, and his ears pinned back with his eyes narrowing seriously. His heavy paws spread wide as his dull claws dug into the earth. His tail he tucked against his belly to provide a modicum of protection both to his vulnerable abdomen and the tail itself.

A split second of indecision paused him, but the snarls and yelps of battle as his adopted siblings fought for what they believed in set him back into motion. He dug his nails in hard, and propelled himself forward, attempting to close the distance between them like a freight train but before they would have hit he reared just slightly - more an aborted leap than a true rear, shifting the weight to his hindlegs momentarily to balance himself before he attempted to throw his full weight forward and down once again. His right shoulder jutted forward, and he sought to drop the his full weight on the point of his shoulder, aiming to smash against the tendons found between her left shoulder and the part of her neck where it met her chest, intending to damage the tendons. As he did he stiffened both forelegs and as he dropped, he sought to drop his weight down on on his forepaws, with his left forepaw aimed for her right forepaw and his right forepaw for her left forepaw, in the intention of badly damaging both her front paws in the hopes of taking her out of the fight early. Though they were the same height, he had a much heavier build and he intended to take advantage of that. Angling his head so his muzzle pointed slightly to his left, he arched his neck and sought to clamp his jaws overtop the bridge of her muzzle partway between her eyes and her mangled nose with the intention of gaining a grip there.

Round 1/2"

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