
Feels Like Today



5 Years
03-16-2015, 01:10 PM
Yurella would hear Naoise’s pleas, and she could not help but have a sad look upon her face. She loved her nephew, as well as her nieces with all her heart and was willing to put her life on the line for them. To hear his sad voice and words, she could not help but bring him even closer to her as a way to try and comfort the depressed yearling. “Naoise, listen to me. I may seem like I know everything just like your parents, but neither of us are right all the time. You must make the right choice and go along with what is in your heart. Your father loves you, and I know that for a fact. He is heartbroken that you feel this way and would love to spend time with you, but only if you calmed yourself on what would happen and start focusing on life ahead. You are a brave, strong, and courageous pup. Young one, you may not believe the words that I am speaking to you, but it is true. Don’t let anything stop you from following your goals.”

Yurella gave her nephew a small lick on top of the head, “Your sister, I am sure will forgive you. Whenever she got the most attention from your father, you felt depressed and frustrated. But, now look at you. You want to make up with Mystic and be a good brother toward her, and that makes you strong and dependable. Remember, things happen for a reason, and though we sometimes do not know the reason why, we all know the reason at some point.” The woman spoke as if she were giving a speech, but her words were true and she tried to have a kind heart and help her nephew out whenever he needed her help.