
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-16-2015, 01:41 PM

She would ready herself for Battle, defenses immediately falling into place. Eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, tail tucked, muscles tensed, teeth bared, claws clenched into ground, crown aligned with spine, chin tucked, legs bent slightly, hackles raised. She would watch him carefully, and as soon as she saw him move she would react quickly. At the same time as him lunging upwards, She would attempt to swing her hips around to her own left, hoping to end up in a T position, her crown hopefully at his midneck on the right side. Due to her movement, his right shoulder would instead skim the surface of her chest in the centre, a light bruise blossoming. Meinx would miss his attack with his forepaws, due to her pivot, thankfully sparing her forepaws. His jaws would skim her left cheek as she had attempted to pivot to her left, causing a light wound to appear, bleeding just surfacing.

Meinx would then go ahead with her own attacks. She would open her jaws wide, aiming to grasp the upper proportion of his neck on the right side. Her top set of teeth would aim to pierce just behind his right ear where the skin is thin, while Meinx's bottom set of teeth aim to puncture his jugular, hoping to add pressure aiming to descrease bloodflow to his brain. She hopes to get a secure grip to cause heavy scarring and a bite wound around 1-2 inches deep. While doing so, Meinx would aim to lift and extend her right forelimb, readjusting her weight onto her other three limbs. She would aim to hook her paw around his right forelimb around the ankle, hoping to pull it towards her and knock him of balance. in sync with her attempted hook on his right foreleg, she would attempt to push off with her hind legs, seeking to shove her chest against the flat portion of his right shoulder, hoping to further disrupt his balance.

Meinx Vs Hephaestus for Dominance 1/2

I'm happy with Luns judging this!:)
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.