
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-16-2015, 02:55 PM

As his chest barely skimmed hers, Hephaestus threw his weight back on his hindquarters to bring himself to a stop. Hocks bent to nearly touch the ground he pivoted his upper body to his right to match her movement, seeking to form an oblique angle with her - with his chest forming a diagonal line running from the front of her right shoulder to her left hip, rather than straight on. As such instead of gripping him around the top of his neck, her bite slid along the top of his scruff, drawing only minor wounds through the thick fur as he pulled back to pivot. The movement placed his left forepaw in basically the same position his right forepaw had been, so when she attempted to swipe it from under him she caught left forepaw. With his weight already thrown onto his hindquarters it did little to actively disrupt his balance but it did pull his left forepaw up towards her as she pushed forward, her smaller weight striking him in the front left side of his chest where it met his shoulder. As close as they were the bruising there was only minor, but the whole thing did give him an idea.

His defenses remained in place, insofar as they could. His weight was distributed over his hindquarters to free up his forelegs, but it was distributed evenly over them, and they were spread slightly wider than his hips' width to provide a wider base. His hocks remained bent nearly to the ground to lower his center of gravity, but his back was rounded up to allow him leverage if she pushed against him. His toes were spread wide and flexed, his claws driving into the ground. His tail remained against his stomach, his shoulders hunched and his head balanced level with his spine and pulled back slightly, bunching his bleeding scruff, and his chin was tucked over his throat. His hackles continued to bristle while his ears remained pressed against his head, and his orange eyes narrowed to slits as he stared at his opponent. His face was a mask of utter seriousness and concentration.

With his weight still balanced on his hindlegs, Hephaestus attempted to push off them to raise his forequarters to aim a heavy, forceful shove of the front of his left shoulder against the front of Meinx's right shoulder where it met her chest, seeking to dig the point of his shoulder in the slight crevasse there in the hopes of shoving her backward. His left forepaw, already lifted from being pulled up by her right forepaw, sought to come between her front legs in attempt to hook around her right front leg just below the elbow with the intention of pulling it toward him as he attempted to push forward. From his heightened position he would angle his muzzle down toward his left and attempt to drive his teeth into the top of her back not far behind her shoulder blades in an unthinking attempt to slip his teeth between the vertebrae and - as such - cut the spinal cord.

Round 2/2"

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