
I thought you were dead...

Gargoyle I


06-07-2013, 11:56 AM


Gargoyle watched his Beta slink off to the left. The matter was passed. The moment gone. The Glaciem Chief could carry forward with the life he had worked so hard to achieve. And with that, his mind set itself to work upon hunting - something he could do almost as second nature now. His ears pinned, his step lightened, his shoulders hunched and rolled with smooth, supple movement. Just because Gargoyle was the size of a bear, didn't mean he had to lumber like one.

Yellow eyes zeroed in on the foremost caprine - a shaggy white buck just begining to creep into it's twilight years, but still with plenty of meat on it's gones. Oxia seemed to be getting near position. Time for Gargoyle to do his part.

With a silent snarl, the Timber cross came shooting out from behind a craggy boulder - whipping in the ground in a fury of strides that closed the remainder of distance in a heartbeat. The goat by now had bleated in dumb terror and spun round, but Gargoyle's pounce landed on it's hind quarters and the sheer weight alone was enough to bear the goat to the ground. Gargoyle's fangs were already snapped like a steel trap upon the tail end of the creature's spine. His claws tore into the meat of the haunch, partly for grip, partly to keep those siccor like hind-hooves away. He only half succeeded, an espically sharp side kick found it's way into the center of his chest with enough power to make audible a resounding WHACK. But Gargoyle's form remained unflinching, the goat's fore legs scrambled, but it's hind end was down - not for long though if Gargoyle's hunting partner didn't swing in.
