
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-16-2015, 09:19 PM

The young wolf was not left alone among the silent throng of strangers for long - a wolf she remembered from among those who had trained together as well as from the festival appeared to stand beside her, though she gave him a sidelong glance at his words. Why would they simply attack or run? Was there no third option?

It seemed there was - "stand silently and do nothing", which is what nearly all of them chose to do. Only one, the warrior Aerndis, leaped forth to attack, and though she gave the order for them to attack as well, Atka hesitated. Why was no one else attacking, if that was what they were meant to do? Where was Skadi? Basanti, the heir of the queen arrived then to confront the leader of the trespassers but the news she bore surprised Atka into silent stillness. Arcanum was no more? Basanti was their leader now? She'd held no particular fondness of Cataleya - on the contrary, the silver woman had held none of the honor she herself had grown up believing in.

The flash of chocolate fur as Skadi threw herself at the trespassing leader goaded Atka herself into movement. Ghosting along, she kept her head and tail level with her spine, keeping her weight evenly balanced and held lightly on her paws, her joints slightly bent to lower her center of gravity, and loose for freedom of movement. Her ears were held flat to her head, her eyes narrowed to protective slits, and her hackles bristled along her back and neck in silent threat. Her back was rounded up slightly to bring her hindquarters under her to allow greater propulsion, her dull claws catching the ground with each step for better grip. All in all, she moved like a hunter stalking prey more so than a warrior, but that was precisely what she was doing - stalking prey.

Purple eyes roved the invaders, coming to rest on an older cream-and-brown male. His scent was of a pack different than all the others, the only one bearing that scent and it caught her interest. Why was he here, if he was not affiliated with all the others? Why was the rest of his pack not here, but he was? Intrigued, she chose to focus her attention on him.

Ghosting closer, she considered. She was too small to do any damage were she to attempt to slam her shoulder into his chest as so many others did, but maybe her smaller size could be an advantage in other ways. She sought to approach him at a forty five degree angle off his right shoulder, hoping her approach would be masked in the mass of fighting wolves she wove through. Tucking her head slightly and leading with her right shoulder as she had seen others do this day, she broke into a lope. Keeping her already-low body lower to the ground she attempted to throw the point of her right shoulder into the older male's left foreleg at the elbow, seeking to knock the leg out from under him. Simultaneously, she rocked her weight back onto her hindquarters and right leg so she could attempt to wrap her left foreleg around his right foreleg at the pastern with the intention of pulling the leg towards her. As she did, she attempted to sink her teeth into his right foreleg halfway up the forearm with the intention of securing a grip on the limb.

Round 1/2?