
Tha e na rudan mor tha cunntais


06-07-2013, 01:08 PM
Ooc: Sorry for the lack of table

Uisge had travelled for months. Stopping only to hunt and rest, which were both seldom. As of this, his rib bones were showing, but his muzzle were still firm and strong. His claws were as sharp as ever, and his bark as sharp as his bite. He had loped for miles upon miles until he reached the land of Alacritis, and still he travelled. He had heard rumours about a pack called Amenti. They move on the shadows, attacked and right, and has claws in the likes of guillotines. It sounded like his kind of pack, if he could re-adjust. He left his old oak for fear of having them, and hopefully it wouldn't happen here.

He reached the packlands of Amenti, stopping a respectful distance from the border, but not to far to seem submissive. Thug mi gaol. (Here goes nothing.) With that, he opened his muscled maw and let loose a gruff, but somewhat beautiful Simon for an alpha. He stood waiting, fur glistening in the setting sun which was behind him.