
knock knock! (SIEGE)

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
03-16-2015, 10:22 PM

God, I want to dream again,
Take me where I've never been,
I want to go there,
This time I'm not scared

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, heart pounding as she collided with her opponent.  Basanti had stepped to her right (Birna's left), displacing Birna's attacks.  Her left shoulder throw colliding with the front of Basanti's own left shoulder, causing a sharp sting of pain and the promise of moderate bruising to follow on Birna's own shoulder.  Her chest throw missed entirely as did her paw slam.  With her head tilted down Birna could see the other woman's head lower and snake forward.  Birna's bite would miss the woman's emerald eyes, instead tearing moderate lacerations along the top center of the woman's skull with her upper fangs, and along the upper left of the woman's skull with her lower fangs.

Defenses remained intact, her grounded limbs equidistant apart, limbs coiling to lower her center of gravity, weight spread evenly amongst them.  Her head and tail aligned with her spine, chin tucked, jaws opened hungrily, Her toes were spread, claws biting into the earth, eyes still narrowed, ears still tightly pinned to her head and hackles still raised.  Shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back hard.

When she realized her bite was going to miss Birna moved to recoil. She sought to take a rapid step back and to her own right, her four grounded limbs bending further, pulling her center of gravity down.  The sudden shift in movement would cause Basanti's lower jaw to dig into the left-most flesh of the front of her upper left shoulder, the woman's top fangs tearing into the side of her upper shoulder, leaving moderate lacerations but failing to seize a hold.  Her stepping would also cause Basanti's left forepaw to miss Birna's left forepaw.  

Birna attempted to twist her neck and upper body in a tight arc to her own left, jaws wide with the hope of catching Basanti's lower jaw in her own while the right side of Basanti's face was facing the earth, the left facing the sky from her earlier attempt to capture Birna's left shoulder.  Birna wanted to seize the lower jaw before the other could shift back and turn her head right side up.  With Basanti looking away from Birna, due to Basanti's head position for the shoulder bite, perhaps Birna could gain a millisecond.  Birna would attempt to position her upper fangs to land on the left side of Basanti's lower jaw just in front of the jaws corner, her lower fangs on the right side of Basanti's lower jaw also in front of the jaws corner.  She wanted to obtain a crushing grip from which she could fracture the lower jaw.

In addition to her jaw attack Birna attempted to raise her right foreleg, weight redistributing evenly to her left foreleg and both hindlegs, in an attempt to thrust the tip of her right shoulder blade forward and up into the outside of the Basanti's upper left forearm.  Her desire was to strike Basanti's deltoid muscles with enough force that the muscles would badly bruise and temporarily seize to slow Basanti, buying her another precious second in this fight.  Immediately after she would seek to bring her right foreleg back to earth, hopefully slamming her right forepaw into Basanti's left forepaw along the way to sprain or fracture her opponents toes.

What a lovely, perverted little game of footsie they were having.  Now if Birna could just land a hickey…

Birna vs Basanti for FULL BLINDING
Rd. 2/3

[Image: 262ny8g.png]