
Big Guy c:



7 Years
03-16-2015, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 12:17 PM by Cesar.)

Whatwhat? - Okay, so I thought it might be fun for Cesar to have a BFF he found while off having adventures in lala land c: There would be no particular rush to get this guy adopted out - he's mostly just an idea if anyone's interested. I want him to be giant! For, yanno, good contrast with Cesar o3o Plus, piggyback rides. It'd be funny. You'd get in on some good fun 8| Yeah. Stuff. Enticing things. Okay, okay, moving on. Plus you'd get that niiiice reference I drew up there. Seriously now, moving on.

Name: Up to you. He could have a formal name of your choice, or just go with whatever Cesar calls him, because Cesar will definitely give him a nickname regardless. Options include but are not limited to: Giganticus, Enormungous, Humungo, Whopper, and Jumbo-mumbo.
Gender: Male
Age: Between 1 & 2 years. You pick. I'd like him to be sorta young because, seeing as Cesar is very childish, I think they'd get along better. Roll in mud 'n' stuff together C:
Appearance: Up for tweaking, color-wise! The design I've got up right now is dark brown with a darker topline and darker eye markings and rings around his legs. He's also got pale lavender eyes c: He musssst be, however, really big. Like, at least +36". I can help cough up gems for this o3o
Personality: Very quiet, subservient, a foil to Cesar's spontaneity, unquestioning, indifferent to "horrible" things, probs neutral alignment that might change with IC development
History: ??? Cesar found him all alone, then they started sort of following each other and ended up sticking together. I'd wanna say they had known each other for about a month now. You can decide what happened before Cesar found him, as long as it makes sense with his personality (e.g. no "oooh wow, super young wolf is super cool and killed his whole pack then went to brood in a forest and found Cesar.")

To apply:
Name: Pick one!
Age: Pick one! And a birth season c:
Personality: Expand to at least 150 words
Appearance: Expand to at least 150 words.
History: Optional. If you wanna decide on something for the beginning of his life, you can put it here. You don't have to though~

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.