
Everything that controls me [epiphron]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-17-2015, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 10:58 AM by Epiphron.)

In time, Epiphron knew Arian would relax. Though she might never be the creature she once was, she knew she would become more herself, which was all that mattered. The circumstances of her captivity had likely scarred her permanently, but she could eventually overcome much of what plagued her now. She would have to learn to be patient with Arian -- which really wasn't such a difficult thing to do, for it came naturally to her as a mother -- and let her find her strength again, even if it took years.

Her smile was genuine as she examined her daughter. She looked much better now, since she'd been cleaned up and well-fed since coming to Fiori. She was not the child she remembered -- but then again, she likely wasn't the exact mother that Arian remembered either. It was only natural they would change with time. Even her daughter's scent was different than she remembered it. It was obvious it was her heat season, which likely only added to Arian's anxiety and fears. Her gaze softened dramatically when Arian spoke. What was she talking about? When she'd ensured Cypress wasn't bothering her? Or something else? "Of course," she commented warmly, beaming at her, her eyes sparkling with love that only a parent could have for their child. Though she was not of her blood, she had been her child almost since the moment she came to the borders of Seracia. "You know how much I love you, right, Arian?" Her words were soft, but genuine. It was important that she knew that, even if she didn't feel as though she deserved it.