
Tha e na rudan mor tha cunntais


06-07-2013, 01:54 PM

Someone was at his borders. Powerful legs drove the man forward as he pushed the snow out of his away. He was a rather large man, so even the deepest snow rarely touched his underbelly. The depths weren't too bad right now, but then again it was the beginning of winter. Who knows how much snow the earth will sprinkle across the land? He hated the goddamn cold though, it had never pleased him the slightest bit. It was annoying, clung to his glorious pelt, and made him hella cold, especially when the wind was blowing. Thick skinned or not he couldn't stop the bitterness from biting him here and there, and when it did, he hated it. As he approached his destination an odd looking man came into view. He had a face dipper in a brunette color, but a body white as the slush beneath them. Lips curled into a devilish smile as he slowed his pace, slithering up to the man before him. As usual he was much larger than this male. "Looking for a deal with the devil? Or a noose around your neck?" He stopped, muscles tensing beneath his ebony pelt. What did this guy want anyways? Acceptance or trouble?