
Into the Light



1 Year
03-17-2015, 02:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For far too long, Minerva had remained inside the family's den. It felt empty without her father's large presence to fill it almost to capacity, but with the way her siblings were growing they were starting to make up for his missing shape. And she, in comparison, remained small, tiny next to each of them, frail and fragile and fair. She hated it, but her isolation caused that hatred to remain inside where it twisted and wreathed just below the surface, holding her captive to her own self loathing here within this confined space.

But enough was enough. She was starting to get tired of being left alone while the others roamed about, all able bodied and competent. The dainty girl wished to do the same, to proudly walk among them as an equal if not something even greater for her personal hardships, and that was not going to happen so long as she stayed holed up in here.

Minnie crept on small grey paws toward the den's opening, peering out into the world though keeping herself well within the shadows and out of direct sunlight. It was all so...bright out there, blinding and brilliant and... Frightening. Could she possibly keep up with her siblings, with those others that they lived with? No, of course she could not. She was weak, and foolish for even thinking that she might be capable of equaling them in their physical talents. Minerva's purple eyes squinted as she stared beyond the sanctuary that she haunted with her continual presence, caught between wanting to dash out and wanting to slink further into the shadows.