
It's Not About the Money


03-17-2015, 08:22 PM
#2; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

Wren had arrived momentarily after her husband had summoned her, her eyes full of concern. The meeting had gone well, but...what'd she know? The whole time she was thinking about the drama that had taken place before the whole talk about toughening up and such. The woman sighed quietly and felt the man nuzzling up against her, and she quickly drew back, her head lowering and her eyes drifting to the ground. Her ears flew back against her head. Right now...she didn't know what to think. It was all twisted around in her head, she couldn't process it all quite right. She seated herself and continued to stare down at the ground blankly as he tried to explain. "Alpha of Arcanum," and "Has a habit of pissing me off." Finally, after he finished, Wren stood and pressed her head to his, tears threatening to fall down her face. "I know..." She whispered, her voice slurred as if she were sickly. "It just scared the hell out of me." She finished, squeezing her eyes shut and continuing to press into Bass, searching for his comfort.

She lifted her head and locked her eyes with his, frowning. That woman...whoever she was, didn't seem like anything good. And Bass had been getting hurt a lot lately. Threatened, attacked, etc. She didn't want him hurting himself yet again because of that stranger, who apparently was a queen. "Please don't hurt yourself again, my love. I can't stand seeing you like that..." She whimpered, planting a kiss upon his face, and smiling weakly. Bass could handle himself...but sometimes his courage got out of hand, to the point where blood littered his body. Eh...she couldn't handle seeing him like that. 
