
knock knock! (SIEGE)


03-17-2015, 09:44 PM

Allen would watch as things around him began to unfold. A wolfess, the leader of this pack, would arrive, and then, shortly after, all hell would break loose. Wherever the silver leader of the pack was, well, she didn’t show. It was her child who was in charge now. The man would let his gaze wander as the fight started, focusing on those from the other side who dared to show. There was a youth who had yet to get in a fight, and it wasn’t until he saw her moving towards him, already uncomfortably close. She was starting to break into her lope, and the man would instinctively throw up defenses as he spun towards his right at roughly thirty degrees.

Ears would pin flat against his skull, dark eyes narrowing into slits. Tail would tuck, hackles would raise, as weight was distributed across his fore limbs to weight him down evenly. The girl was smaller than he was by a handful of inches, but still enough to do damage if he was careless. The man would not seek to maim her, but he would hold his ground in defense. He did not wish to fight a teenager but here, where war was around them, there would be no holding back allowed.

Jaws would part, lips pulled back in a snarl as the girl made her move. She threw herself at him, the collision into his right foreleg likely to cause mild brusing later on. He would have to step back, using this falter to right his balance. The girl would wrap her left foreleg around his own, trying to pull it towards her, though the man would shift his weight towards his front, keeping the limb upon the ground after a moment of sliding. Her teeth too would find the limb, halfway up the right foreleg. The teeth would puncture a mild wound, possibly to turn to a more moderate bite wound by the time he made his counter move.

With the child clinging to his right foreleg he wasn’t going to be making any moves with his front legs as far as leg sweeps and paw stomps went. He would work with his weight in his front, pushing his hind legs to try and smash his limb into the girl’s face and give her some discomfort. Additionally the man would tilt his head to the right, seeking to grab ahold of the left side of her scruff and latch his teeth in for a firm hold. If he had to he would try to drag the teen off of him.

Allen vs Atka for Dominance

Round: 1/2

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah