
This is the time



6 Years
Extra large
03-18-2015, 02:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2015, 03:03 AM by Glacier.)

He would watch the wolves as they tumbled into the meeting, it was not yet a full house but he supposed they where a big group, and mandatory meetings where, well not exactly new, where not as common as they where quickly becoming. He had more patience for their siblings allowing them time to settle into the new routine – through he also wanted to see them working together as a pack, and arriving to a meeting together was something that contributed towards that, especially with all the importance this meeting was going to hold about their lives and futures.

He smiled at each and every one of their familiar, dear faces, nodding his head and feeling a rush of affection for them all, enough to warm and squeeze even the calm brute's heart. He had invited Anais to this, but had not been certain if she would come. When she did appear his face would light up in joy, taking in her familiar form with her eyes, rising to go to her – and Voltage would notice her also. The more excitable of the two acted first, jumping forward and pulling Anais into a tight embrace, after calling out her name in a tone dripping with affection. The brute stared, dumbfounded at the happy reunion between his brother and Anais. His heart tightened again, this time with a whole new and unhappy feeling, one that had never crept into his heart before. His mind was reeling, wondering, had Anais come to see Voltage? Had his brother extended an invitation to her also?

He shook his head in a subtle, angry movement as he shoved aside the traitorous thoughts. What did it even matter if his brother and Anais where close? The only thing that mattered to Glacier was the happiness of those two and the rest of his family, how could seeing them both radiant with joy mess his head so? He was furious at himself, and stomped down on his heart as he turned his attention back to his family, missing the words Voltage spoke to Anais, not catching anything more from them until they started to move closer, and which point he managed to express a warm smile to the skittish Anais, if she caught any whiff of his unhappy emotions he knew she would suffer for it, and that would not do. He buried everything well and deep, so clearly that even his eyes returned to a warm and radiant silver as he looked at brother and friend. "i'm so glad you could make it, thank you!" he expressed warmly.

"Burn Baby Burn"