
Heated Whispers and Baited Breath



3 Years
Extra large
03-18-2015, 11:44 AM

Mery shifted away from him for the first time since their encounter the previous night, his own form would subconsciously move closer to her as he rolled to his back. She would contemplate his question for a very long moment, during that time he'd find himself nibbling suggestively at her neck. If she really wanted to roll around and make love all day he'd happily comply. The experience was like nothing he'd ever felt and being with her made him feel that much closer to the one he'd devoted his entire existence to. He wanted her like he'd never wanted anyone before, he'd feel her nuzzle into his plush coat adoringly. "anywhere with you would be okay," She'd make him grin like made, butterflies would play in his stomach as he resisted the urge to hump her right then.

Her sigh would stop him as his expression fell and his focus would try to remain on her words. She'd whisper softly to him, "Are we crazy, Revvy?" His ears would fall to his skull as he contemplated the question. "Probably. I know I'm crazy about you." His grin would return as he nuzzled her affectionately. Though the underlying worry would remain. What would they do when someone found them out? If what they were doing really was so taboo whoever it was that confronted them would probably not have very many nice words for them. He loved her though, more than any other being, why couldn't he be there for the sexual part of her life too? "Don't worry so much," He'd tell her as he kissed her softly, but he also said it for himself. He didn't know what he would do if someone tried to separate them.