
It's Not About the Money



7 Years

03-18-2015, 12:03 PM

As he reached out to touch her, she pulled away from his touch. Bass recoiled from her, a whine passing through his lips. His golden eyes searched her face, trying to read her. But her head lowered as her eyes left him, and he heavily fell back on to his rump. He spoke with a quiet voice, trying to get her to understand him. He didn't do this out of spite for his amazing wife, he never went out of his way to try and hurt her. After his words were done, she finally stood up and pressed herself into him. He whined again, lifting up a forelimb and wrapping it around her back to try and pull her close. When Wren spoke he could hear the tears in her voice, her words so quiet and drawn out. She pressed closer towards him as he pulled her closer, nuzzling into the back of her neck. "Oh my love, I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, and I didn't want to ever hurt you." he whispered back. The scent of her heat was overwhelming as he pushed his nose deeper into his wife's coat. He tried to ignore it, but a thrill ran down his spine. This, however, was not the time for thoughts like this. His own eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus on anything but her heady scent.

As he felt Wren pull back, he dropped his lifted leg on to the earth. Her minty gaze looked at his own gaze, a frown deep on her face. Bass leaned forward to press a kiss on her cheek, waiting for her to speak again. He was shocked though when she said that she didn't want him to get hurt any more, and a small smile appeared on his lips. "I will try my hardest, Wren. Its hard being an alpha, I have to stick out my neck to protect all those within Abaven. However, that is why I talked about upping the training now. I want to make us all stronger, so that we can all fight together now." She looked so worried for him, and his heart broke for her. He loved her so much, and never wanted to see her like this. Plus, it wasn't like he really enjoyed being hurt... "I love you." He mumbled as he pushed his nose into her cheek.