
Big Guy c:



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-18-2015, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2015, 11:54 AM by Rhythm.)
Name: Brutus
Age: 1yo winter
Personality: Born into an abusive home Brutus never knew peace in his childhood. He was always scared of when they next beating might come, and quickly after he learned to walk he would take on a completely submissive role to his parents. Never one to speak out or try and defend his other siblings from the beatings he was encouraged to tattle on them so his punishment was lightened. He held no loyalty to his siblings but undying devotion to his parents. This quality would easily shift to the dark wolf that found him bleeding out after his family had been desecrated.

The boy would seem quite cold in the face of the tragedy he'd witnessed, but the events would seem to hardly faze him as emotions are somewhat void to the dark monster child. He grew up in chaos and is now drawn to such environments. He thrives in unpredictability and seems to have a bit of an adrenaline addiction.

Appearance: The most notable feature about the brute have to be his incredibly long legs, their height help him to reach a towering mass of 40 inches. Though the behemoth boasts incredible height his muscle mass can not compete. The man is long and thin, he still holds on to the gangliness of a teenager. He had sharp handsome features, a supple strong neck with a thin chest and long abdomen.

His fur is slightly coarse, but long and made for harsh winters. Though he sheds the thickness out of it during the summer months when his fur becomes long and silky. That same coat is colored a dull chocolate brown, his belly is covered in a softer lighter color that as it travels up his sides to his back becomes a darker shade.
Upon his legs rest darker stripes and a deeper colored strip runs from his eyes to his cheek. These brilliant gems are a bright icy almost white blue.

History: only child, lived with his over protective/abusive parents first two years. Said parents were killed by a bear that tried to take Brutus life as well but only succeeded in taking his tail. He was completely lost and alone when cesar found him. Being the needy wolf he was following the strange brute was a simple decision.

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