
Dark Threats And Empty Eyes



2 Years
03-18-2015, 02:50 PM
Lavendel never flinched as the smaller wolf did some things that ended up with a small pain going through her left ear, and blood trickling down her neck, maybe leaving a small tear in her white and violet ear. Her acid green eyes narrowed in something like amusement as she rose to her full height once again. "Come on. I'm no weakling. I can take more of an attack than that. But first, I guess we better practice." The former warrior tried to keep the barb out her voice, but it was still there, and she shook her head, sending a few drops of blood flying, and spoke again. "Lassen Sie uns anfang." The female glanced at the servant, debating telling the smaller wolf what she had said before deciding to, maybe with a little insult in her words, but at least she translated. "That, my little servant, meant 'let us start.' Keep that in mind." With those words said, Lavendel flattened her ears against her head and narrowed her eyes, keeping her weight balanced on all four paws. She tucked her tail a little, and lowered her head, scrunching her scruff as well. Quickly, the larger female lunged, attempting to sink her fangs into Safir's left ear. If she managed to do this, the female would attempt to shake her head back and forth and make the wound worse. Maybe she was being a little too harsh for just a spar. But her servant had might as well learn here than get mauled, right?
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--