
Are You Ready To Face The Eye Of The Storm



2 Years
03-18-2015, 04:35 PM
Hehe. This was going to be epic. Limping slightly, the female walked into the borders, and glanced around, as if to see where her servant was. If the white and violet female was forced to, she would say that it was all the smaller wolf's idea. That Lavendel was innocent. Maybe acting scared of her servant would help her case out some.

What was she thinking? She wasn't gonna get caught! And if she did, she'd be far away from the border so she could make a quick escape. Her white and violet limbs made their way carefully through the border, as she glanced around to see a limb laying in the water. Racing over to it, the white and violet female literally shook the tree limb in the air, throwing it in any random direction. Then she glanced around for anything else. Well, Lavendel was going to have to get creative here. "Your blood will be spilled on this beach." She muttered at nothing in particular, sinking her fangs deep into her paw as she raised it. Blood dripped from her paw as she limped around the territory, making sure the blood could be seen.

A small chuckle escaped the female as she escape the territory, running as fast as she could with one paw held up and an injured shoulder. When she was far enough from the border that she could see the pack's reaction, she raised her head and howled, hoping they could hear it. Then she ducked down, hopefully out of sight.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--