
i'll save you an echo from the hall



4 Years
03-18-2015, 10:00 PM

Freewing led her easily out of Ebony, she needed to get out for a day and with him guiding her the travel was easy. They had walked most of the morning and now that the heat of the day had started to take hold the little red bird was beginning to look for a nice place to rest. Already Gaia could smell a change in their surroundings, something was different here. Though her companion did not feel any kind of alarm, so she would continue her peace as he led her to the stone of a fountain. As her paws reached the cool stone she slowed to a halt, the small red bird pirched atop the rim of the pool, his bright color a stark contrast to the white around them. Now that they had stopped Gaia felt a lot less comfortable.

She still wasn't sure what she was looking for, if she wished to go give one last goodbye to her aunt or maybe search for her lost love. Either one made her very much aware of the gaping hole that had been left in her chest. She'd been holed up in her den for to long, and now that she had escaped the confines of the territory she just wanted to go back. She was out here, alone, barely any self defense training under her belt, and was very much in heat. Still, the hope that maybe she would find Solo kept her going. If only a little every day.

She'd sigh heavily as her haunches curled beneath her, sightless eyes pointed towards the almost still water as her dark ears twitched at the quiet sound of it's movement when she heard footsteps and her features would lift to look towards the source. Her heart would race in her chest, the scent yet to reach her nose. She debated calling out, hoping maybe they might just be passing through with out seeing her. Gaia knew it was not who she sought, Solo's gait sounded far different.