
i'll save you an echo from the hall



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:59 AM
He would settle back on his haunches again, now that he had managed to get closer without sounding her little alarm (to which he had offered a small smile agian to the little bird). So he turned his eyes back to her, to her heartbreakingly hopeful voice and expression, and he wanted so desperately to be able to help. He quickly moved through his memory, categorising every wolf he had met (which hasn't been many, but still quite a few to count) before he shuttered to a hault. The name and color did nothing for him, he would know instantly if he had met a wolf as red as the little cardinal. His family was a wolf of bright colors, and he seemed to have a love for those just as bright and colorful. So he frowned, looking at the girl and sighing softly. "I am so sorry.." He said softly, turning his eyes towards the ground as he shifted his front paws. "I'm afraid I have not met anyone by that name or color.." He said so softly.

But they seemed to move away from the topic, as she explained what pack exactly her scent belonged too. Ebony? That's one he hadn't heard of just yet. But they seemed to be far enough away. "Aren't you a little far from home?" He asked lightly, almost teasingly, as he smiled down at her, watching her expression for any line crossing. He knew now that she was hurt, perhaps completely heart broken, and he just wanted to cheer her up. "Well, yes and no. Donostrea is rather new, infact...I only recently created it. But we have made home on the beach of black sand a while before we made our family home an official packland." He said softly, trying not to go off on too long of an explanation. "We're a bit to the south of here..."

"Burn Baby Burn"