
painted realities


06-07-2013, 05:26 PM

As soon as Pericles countered Galileo's happy statement, the other pup was rolling away and Galileo was sinking towards the ground, crouching down and emulating how other wolves hunted as carefully as he could. Ears flattening against his skull, Galileo surveyed Pericles, trying to decide how best to 'attack' him. He needed a weak spot, something that Pericles didn't do as well that he could capitalize upon. Now, that might have been extreme for some pups playing a game, but Galileo was far from the most average of pups. is lineage included mighty warriors, after all.

As Pericles bounded through the snow, Galileo slipped forward. He didn't bother to stay low to the ground, as he clashed against the snow no matter what he did, but instead, Galileo focused on moving quietly, each pawstep careful against the snow that carpeted the ground. He twitched his ears and then launched himself forward, aiming to slam into Pericles' side and hopefully knock him off balance and maybe even to the ground.

"Tag!" Galileo trilled out as he leaped aside, diving to escape whatever Pericles would try and do next. This was a good game, the pup thought to himself with a joyous waggle of his tail. The normally quiet creature opened up a good deal around his 'siblings', even the ones like Pericles who weren't true siblings. They had all essentially been raised together, after all! Most of the world might have frightened him, but his siblings did not. And slowly but surely, he was growing less intimidated by the world around him.
