
it takes two to whisper quietly



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-19-2015, 11:39 AM

She 100% was not trying to get into anyone's pants, and even if she had been offered (which she hadn't. except for Cascade's earlier almost-offer.) she wasn't sure if she'd be able to go through with the motions. Yeah her body craved to be touched like that but Rhythm still felt very much against the idea. Would she go so far as to say the idea frightened her? Maybe. Even with her heat it was going to take an impressive amount of persuasion to get that far, and with her current track record it was likely she'd end up an old maid at this point. Not that anyone but her reproductive organs would protest about that.

Cascade's words would take her attention again though, her discomfort with talking about sex the obvious reason Valentine hadn't tried to sleep with her yet. Was that really it, the only reason he hung back? He was just respecting her desire to take their relationship slow.. right? She'd mentally shake her head, Cascade snuck in there a lot better than Rhy was willing to admit. She'd offered more than one doubt in her mind before. She wouldn't be given to much time to react as the dark woman posed another question. "Kind of. I don't have a lot of hands on experience but I did help with my sibling's children. My brother and my sister's litters." Not that she was about to make any mention of the lives lost during Motif's labor. Rhythm was to concentrated on banishing the thoughts of her nephews from her mind to really give much note to the other woman's words. Valentine had not been shy about boasting about his kids. She knew he only had three of them with Cascade. (for now) She also knew that at least three of the young pups were her distant relatives, Soliloquy's spawn. Though it did make her think for a moment of the possibility of more and an awful thought crawled into her head. One that she was loathe to even acknowledge. "However I can help," She'd offer, though her voice was obviously somewhat forced as she fought to keep the little tick at bay.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads