
i'll save you an echo from the hall



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:07 PM
He would grin brightly, mostly to himself, as she seemed to melt from her sadness and settle into something akin to a happy emotion as he described his home. He wondered if it was because he had tried to paint a picture that even she could picture (in a way) or that she just liked the sound of his home? He wondered silently, not about to ask something so silly as he watched her. This girl, she was intriguing, maybe it was due to her sightlessness, or maybe it was because she was a heart broken damsel. Voltage had always been a gentlemen, he believed, always wanting to fix a broken heart. Perhaps it just tugged at his own emotions, which were always flitting and energized, how he battled the depression his history brought him, or the happiness his family churned in him. He wanted nothing more than to have her smile, to feel happy, to do anything but cry, but if she did wish to cry, he wanted to be a shoulder for her. Perhaps it was odd for Voltage to have such strong feelings of passion and empathy for someone he just met, but he had always been an emotional being. All he wanted was for this little one to smile.

When she explained her home he blinked, ears twisting back as he described a sight that she had been told about. The only thing he believed truley came from her was the boulders, and that was only because she had a difficulty with them. So he shook his head, smiling to himself. "What does it smell like? Have you been there long? How is the summer there, the heat, the wind? Can you smell the ocean from there?" He asked softly, tilting his head. "Tell me what you know your home to be like..." She couldn't see, so he didn't want to see it either, he wanted to hear it and smell it and feel it through her words, because that's what she knew. "It sounds like it looks lovely, but that's such a small part of the painting, isn't it?" His tones were light as he shifted, fidgetted, but this time not because he was overly energized. He wanted to be nearer to her, to hear that soft voice paint him a picture of her home but he merely covered that up as getting more comfortable, stretching out on his belly again as he waited, hoping she would describe her home more for him.

"Burn Baby Burn"