
I'm So Sorry


03-19-2015, 08:18 PM

They were glad to have her? But what use could she be? Ritselli was so uncertain. She resisted the urge to look the way her father had gone, instead focusing her attention on the other who had suddenly arrived. This female would answer her other question. Nice wolves... That was good. She wanted to like it here, especially since she had to stay. It would be no good at all if she didn’t! The woman sounded nice too. She made her think a bit of her mama... She would shift a little on her paws as the woman spoke again.

The woman would show her around... Give her some food. Playmates. Ritselli felt her stomach give a loud rumble, begging for food. She certainly needed the care, as much as she wanted to be with her father. He could not give the care she needed... And he couldn’t take care of himself while trying to care for her. Plus the pretty lady had such a nice smile... And was being really nice. Ritselli would give a small nod. “I... I’d like that.” Ritselli would bound up to her side, her gaze shifting to Epiphron. She would give a nod of her head, smiling some as her tail gave a little wag.

“Mmkay... Thank you.. For taking me in.” The puppy would look up at Amalia again. “How many sons do you have? I had two sisters... But they went missing with mama...”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby