
i'll save you an echo from the hall



6 Years
03-20-2015, 12:11 AM
A grin would continue to tug at his lips, ears pushed forward as he watched her every expression, her shyness and almost comfortable awkwardness, yet she didn't remove her paw, didn't break their contact. It flared a hopeful feeling in him that seemed inextinguishable, like a crack of lightning that began a slow burning fire. He would smile gently as she settled on a nickname, and it was perfect, so perfect. Gaia, the little cloud.  "Then that's what it shall be." He said with a gentle grin, his voice soft and soothing. Yet it seemed the gentle moment they had managed to create would fray and tatter at the emotion that she was trying to hide. As she spoke of her brothers and her family he could almost see the cracks in the dam. With widening stormy eyes he watched as it seemed to crack and break and soon after the mere thought of family the flood gates broke open.

Voltage was up in a flash, pressing forward to pull her into his warmth, his comfort, his throat vibrating in his soothing melody of his memory. A strong forelimb would attempt to wrap around her (mindful of the bird) and try to pull her into his chest, his cheek to nuzzle her and his nose moving to push away the tears. "Oh little cloud, its okay." He would whisper in his tender voice, hoping to envelope her in something more than her memory and sadness, something soothing or supportive. "It's okay to cry....I'm here.." Perhaps it was too invasive, but he knew when he was distraught he wanted nothing more that to drown in the warmth of affection, and being alone when you were broken was a terrible feeling. How must it feel for someone who cannot see? The lonliness must be terrible. He would move to rest his cheek against her (if she allowed his affection, of course) and sighed gently, but not out of impatience, but because he felt for her. Empathy, sympathy, he didn't quite know exactly what he was feeling, but he knew he felt terrible for her.

"You are something special, little cloud." He whispered so softly. "Clouds are precious, they paint the most beautiful pictures upon the sky, with the colors of the sun and the rainbow. But even things so beautiful can get so full of sadness, and they rain, and it's okay to let it out. Because after it rains, the world grows more life, and things get better." He whispered, his deep voice holding a softness that perhaps seems odd for someone who normally has such high energy. "It's okay to rain, little's okay to cry."

"Burn Baby Burn"