
Mirror, Mirror; You Keep Me Well



3 Years
03-20-2015, 04:19 AM
Whilst he was learning the herbs and their uses fairly well, Sorrel certainly lacked in other skills and even efforts. General conversation was even more difficult to him than rattling off a list of plants that were useful for binding injuries. Even with his twin words didn't quite come easily and the Destruction-Gringoire boy would surely suffer in this world without his understanding family around him. Even now only a semi-awkward nod would be cast his brother's way as the twin found joy in the fact the gift hadn't been useless. He'd store it somewhere later, having taken to keeping multiple stores of herbs in different locations further away from the water after the storm and flood the previous year.

Ellingham. Why on earth the bird continued to stick around was surely a mystery to anyone. At first it had simply been a ride to safety himself and reassurance that Sorrel was going to be ok after being the only witness to the boy's collision with a tree. Why he had continued to remain at Sorrel's side and why he had put up with him simply made no sense and yet somehow they had reached a content situation, working well together. There were still days that he wondered why the bird didn't just clear off though he had learnt to appreciate and even perhaps like his companion.

And so Féli's question came as a surprise to him as well. Normally the owl settled close by and yet his twin had seen no sign of him nor had Ellingham ventured down to offer a greeting to him. He had overslept though, it wouldn't be the first time that Ellingham had taken the time alone to spread his wings. "He'll be back." He was confident of that, his companion was never gone for too long. It had once irritated him, though the words were spoken calmly now. "Hunting or something maybe."

The topic of disturbed sleep would cause his brother to suddenly feel a little sheepish as he realised his own presence had brought that on. Another perhaps wouldn't have received the forgiveness quite so easily though even Ellingham's disruptions were brushed off with little care now. "I would have woken soon anyway." He pointed out.