
Maybe It Wasn't An Accident



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-20-2015, 06:51 AM
Cypress seemed polite, eager to please and to show he meant no harm to Fiori. It was for this reason alone that she would give Arian the task of ensuring their new member was watched. Epiphron assumed she wouldn't need to do much more than occasionally talk to him and oversee that he wasn't causing trouble. It might be a difficult task for her, but it was certainly doable, otherwise she would've never thought to given Arian the task.  "You're welcome," she'd answer him with a small smile, nodding her head slowly.  "It sounds like Fiori will be a fine fit for you, Cypress. It wouldn't be at all difficult for him to fit in here, she was sure of it. Her gaze would avert to Arian, wondering her reaction. She swore she saw the discomfort in her daughter's eyes, and her own gaze would soften as she watched her.

He requested to speak with her privately, and she would nod, curious as to what he ight have to speak with her about.  "Certainly," she responded with another curt nod. "Call me whenever you're ready to speak to me." Again, she felt her gaze shifting to Arian. If she couldn't mentally handle spending some time with Cypress, she would gladly relieve her from the task, but she saw potential in her daughter that she might not see herself. "Thank you for coming to talk to him, Arian." Her smile was soft as she watched her, grateful her daughter had approached the stranger at all, for she could have simply ignored him.