
i'll save you an echo from the hall



6 Years
03-20-2015, 06:53 AM
She pressed against him, her small body seeming to almost fit into the curves and dips of his chest and neck as he nuzzled her closer. Respectable boundaries be damned, she needed someone to cry on, to hold her and let her know that it was alright to cry. That everything was going to be alright, because it was. There was a small anger in him towards those that caused her to cry, this Solo that she searched for endlessly, to the family that seemed to make her words tight and her tears flow free. But he didn't know why she cried, exactly, just that she needed too, so it wasn't an overwhelming feeling. Instead, he merely held her close, tucking his nose into the fur that lined her skull and neck.

He would let her cry as long as she needed to, untill either her tears or the river dried up. Voltage wouldn't move from his spot, wouldn't leave her in such a state. He merely held her close, and continued to sing his melody, the lullaby his mother had once sung to him to soothe his energy. He hoped it would help ease her aches. "Life is full of hardships, little cloud.." He whispered in a gentle voice, muffled slightly by her fur before his stormy eyes closed gentle. He felt her cry into his neck and chest, and he merely hummed his lullaby. "But the more hardships we face, the stronger we become..." Perhaps it wasn't the best advice now and he merely sighed softly, holding her close.

"My parents abandoned us, one by one. First it was my littermate and I, then it was their second litter and then their third, we were all sent from the island that was our home with no explanation." He whispered softly, the pain he still felt lacing his voice. "And it hurt me, for a long long time. Three years of not knowing why we were all rejected, but slowly, with the support of my siblings, it became a memory. And, my lovely little cloud, soon yours will too, and I can be your support....if you'll take it." He would move to hold her tighter, hoping to give her the comfort he had needed when he was sad, when he felt as if the world made no sense and he were alone in a cruel world, to show her the truth he had learned then...that we are never alone, if we let those that want to help in. "Everything will make sense again soon, the universe just has a funny way of doing things.."

"Burn Baby Burn"