
Everything that controls me [epiphron]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-20-2015, 07:34 AM

Perhaps someday Arian might realize how much love there was, from both herself and her children, toward her. Loyalty and love for kin had been something deeply instilled in all of her children, and she knew they would always feel love for one another, no matter the mistakes they made. Her blue gaze was soft, brimming with adoration that only a mother can feel for her child, as Arian began to speak. It seemed something was on her mind, and she wanted to let it out. Her ears would perk, twitching attentively as Arian explained.  "How could I forget the day you entered our lives?" she'd respond with a smile, a rhetorical question, not something she meant Arian to answer. Though she had learned that she'd lost a friend that day, she had unknowingly gained a daughter.

Arian explained that she had a sister, and that she'd finally met her.  There was audible pain in Arian's voice, though it seemed in meeting one of her blood siblings that she had found some hope too. "You are lucky, Arian," she'd start after a moment, letting her words sink in.  "You have more than one family. And you will always be an Adravendi." The mention of Neo nearly made her blood boil; he had hurt Arian, and though she had asked him to do it, it still made her seethe with fury. If she ever found him, she would be more than happy to scar his face just as he had Arian's.  "And you even happen to look like me, so you never have to explain that you are not my blood." A warm smile was offered, though she felt tears welling in her own eyes at Arian's pain. All she wanted to do was to move forward and embrace her -- to groom her and lather her in affection, as though she was a child again, but she wouldn't dare intrude on Arian's space no matter how badly she wanted to.

"You will get better," she said firmly, determination set in her clear gaze.  "Perhaps not today, or even next week, but you will. You not only have strong blood running through your veins, but the love and support of this family too." Once, she had thought blood was everything -- but Arian had proven to her that love was far more powerful a tie than blood alone.