
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 07:48 PM
ooc. marked M for language and stuff, don't know how bad the curses might get xD

The east was where she remembered a life, where a childhood played upon the fringes of her memory. Very brief, quick to turn to a false adulthood. Damn her mother, for abandoning them so carelessly. Screw her father, for not even being present when they needed him so desperately. If there was ever a poster child for fucked up families, it was her. Even her brother left her eventually, going off on his own to join a fucking new pack. Obviously she hadn't been good enough for her brother, even though he'd taken care of her for most of their first gods damned year. Screw him, screw her parents. She'd gone and shown them, hadn't she? Finding her long lost relatives- that had been a task she'd gotten done all on her own. Becoming the woman she was today- all Lirri. Sure, her third cousins and distantly related aunts had helped her a little with her skills, but they'd just been polishing the rough gem she'd already been. It had been in her all along, to become such a creature as she was today. Who needed a family, right? She had herself, that was all she needed.

Ebony toes would dance smoothly over the craggy landscape, fluid movements propelling her over the mountain pass. Footfalls were soft, without fault. It didn't take long for her gaze to fall upon the mouth of a cavern, a good place to shelter for the night. It was nearly full dark now, and she wasn't nearly stupid enough to keep going in the blackness of night. The moon was barely a sliver in the sky, and as the sun sank below the horizon, she knew it was time to hunker down. Food was scarce up here, but hunting wouldn't be a good idea anyway. Powerful paws would take carefuly steps over the jagged stones that led to her haven, until smooth rock greeted her pads. It was cool, dank. However, it was better than being subject to the whims of the elements so far from the safety of the valley floor below. Mercury optics flicked casually over the walls of the room around her, taking in the rough stone that threatened her from afar. Clearly, this was not a place that welcomed many. However, the ledges along the walls seemed rather inviting. Crevices in the stone created perfect niches for a wolf to doze within.

A rather generous grin would play upon her features, dark lips curved upward with the tiniest bit of delight. Delicate steps would carry her lithe form toward the fringes of safety, alarm bells ringing within her skull go back go back go back but they looked hardly at all dangerous. Lean form would lift into the surprisingly warm confines of the niche. Bodice would settle itself flush against the stone, comfortable within moments. This would be a great place to spend the night, and then she could be out of here in the morning. There were other places she had to be. Images of an otherworldly mangrove nagged at the corners of her conscience, urging her further into the eastern part of the continent. It was there that the alabaster damsel had her business, though the story had yet to be told- whether or not she would find success there.