
Moving winds


06-07-2013, 07:39 PM
The boy crouched below the grass level as he watched the small rabbit moved in it. He had been in Valhalla for only a few days and he was trying to get used to the lay of the land. Natsu, after exploring for some time, has decided to try and catch something. He was only used to the fish up in the north in the cold waters. He wasn't very crafty when it came to rabbits in the high grass. He licked his chops feeling the chill down his spine as the rabbit made an advance and he hopped forward. Muscles moving at his shoulders as the small male tried to catch the rabbit. Tripping on strands of grass as he whined a little bit. Trying to gain his speed on the running rabbit he pulled himself forward and latched his teeth on the animal finally being able to snap it's neck quickly. Panting he rolled off into a place where the grass was lower. Relaxing and watching his scrawny rabbit.

"I guess I should work on my footing." He laughed to himself. Natsu thought for a moment, here in Valhalla did they catch prey for themselves or share it. He wasn't entirely sure as he tilted his head. "I just wanted to test out hunting, but I'm not hungry. Ohhhh." Natsu whined and placed his paws on his nose. He knew how his mom would get when they wasted food when he and his brother were younger. Considering the beliefs that his family had. He also felt it very disrespectful since it was winter and food was scarce as it was. He sat there staring at it with his paws on his nose for what seemed like forever. Until he scented someone, "Hello?" he called.