
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 11:12 PM
Footsteps were all but ignored, passed off as the gentle tumble of pebbles down the slopes. She was tired, and though there was the dim thrum of excitement in her veins, sleep was all she wanted. Breathing would deepen, escape her nostrils at a soft, steady pace. The edges of dreams beckoned, faint myriads of shapes and colours that disappeared when her eyes tried to focus. It wasn't until a low grunt caught her attention that her attention shifted from the realm of sleep to that of the waking, the living. Audits would lower toward her skull, mercury optics opening slowly. They adjusted quickly to the darkness that way.

The form of a stranger would make itself known to her, silhouetted by the sickle of the moon behind them. Crown would rise from its place at her paws, brows lowering to try and get a fix on the other. Their posture was nothing to be taken as a threat, though the aura around them was another story. Aggression rolled from the shadow in waves, but she had yet to feel any fear. Blinking a few times, bleary steel optics fixated on other aspects. The wolf was reluctant, prepared to flee if need be. "Stay, stranger." Melodic vocals would murmur apathetically, the burr of a thick accent evident even more with drowsiness. Her time in the motherland had definitely changed her. "It would be stupid to risk these mountains at night." She added, for added measure. However, should the male prove to be just that stubborn, she would not stop him. Why bother? It was his choice whether or not he risked death, not hers. Pallid banner would thump one against the stone beneath her, a poor attempt to seem less likely to attack. A wolf of her size was easy to be intimidated by, that was no mystery. Happened to everyone. Though, this male hardly looked like one to be frightened easily. Even from where she remained, his stature and musculature were plainly seen. She waited, blatantly unaware of the gods' master plan.