
I am trying



2 Years
Extra large
03-21-2015, 05:07 AM
Varda wasn't convinced that she couldn't have a favourite brother and state the fact out loud. Perhaps she could play favourites though it was probably more appropriate not to voice them. "Well I don't believe there is an official rule." He admitted. "More a courtesy really. I don't suppose you'd be too pleased if our parents said Luck was their favourite daughter." He kept his tone light still, certainly not wishing to cause any offence to his sister at all. He didn't believe his parents played favourites anyway, had he known about the instance his grandparents had once played favourites with his aunt Song and the damage it had done to the rest of the family, maybe he would have been a little more serious as he got his point across, used that as an example rather than the invalid point he put across now.

Hunting was useful. No further explanation had been needed. Fate and Luck couldn't hunt for themselves and his mother wasn't really in the right state to do so either. Without the pack helping them the three wouldn't survive. And the honing of her skills was important too, it improved her of course and those lessons she hoped to one day give Fate and Luck would be better with a stronger teacher. In Varda's mind it may not have seemed like much though Aslan wouldn't share the same thoughts there.

"I'm sure you will improve." He encouraged her with a smile, he certainly had faith that his sister would do well in whatever she put her mind to. The 'start' as she put it, well Aslan believed she was probably being rather humble about that. It had been a while since the pack had actually had a group hunt though from what he had seen then she seemed to be a quick learner, certainly had done well.

What did Aslan want to do? Honestly he hadn't thought that far ahead at all. His ambitions were more for the present than the future, goals simply to help his parents keeping the pack running however he could help. He had picked no set discipline to train and train in until he was skilled, had chosen no rank he wished to one day earn. "I'm not sure." He responded. "I can't say I've really thought about it."