
Are You Ready To Face The Eye Of The Storm



5 Years
03-21-2015, 10:05 AM

Her brother soon appeared, and her ears flickered in his direction. That is all that she gave him though, her ember eyes were intent on the one who dared to enter their pack lands. The woman called her a bug, and Serefina let out a loud boom of laughter. "We will see who will get squished, puppy," she spat. Quickly her defenses slipped into place, eyes narrowing as her ears pulled back against her skull. She spread her legs, evening out her weight to be balanced across all four limbs as her toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Tail raised to align with her spine, head lowering to do the same to make her as straight as an arrow. Her chin ducked towards her chest to protect her throat, shoulders rolling forward as her hackles stood on end. Lavendel closed the distance between them, and Serefina braced for the impact. As the purple woman's jaws opened, Serefina attempted to rear, trying to raise the front half of her body to about four inches off the ground. Right away her weight shifted to keep her balanced, her own jaws opening wide. Her front legs bent slightly as she hugged them close to her chest. Because of her raised position, Lavendel's bite did not land on the shoulder like her opponent had hoped. Instead the trespasser's jaws landed on her right leg, about midway on the outer portion of the limb. Serefina's blood boiled as the bitch managed to draw her blood, a moderate wound at best. Lavendel's upper jaws were on the top of her limb, bottom jaws landing on the outer portion of her right leg. Not hesitating at all, Sere's head tilted towards her own left, jaws pointing down at the purple marked woman. Serefina then attempted to snap her head downwards, trying to lock her jaws around her opponent's muzzle, right around the base of the nose. Her top jaws were aimed for the left side of her top muzzle, bottom jaws aimed for the right side of Laven's top muzzle. She was hoping to crush down with enough force to splinter bones, hoping to puncture the purple woman's soft, plushy nose. Serefina would have hopes to keep a hold of the woman's muzzle, wanting to gain control as well as try to cause further damage to her nose. At the same time, Serefina attempted to extend her left limb that was tucked to her chest, trying to bring it over Laendel's right eye and slam it down right n to the socket. She was aiming so that the leftmost side of her paw was directly over Laven's eye, hoping that her claws would dig in and blind her. Hopefully the shock of the attack would bruise around her opponents eye, and enough to get her off of her own limb. Because of all of her leftward movement, Serefina attempted to lower her lower half closer to the ground, so that she was almost sitting on her hind legs. Hopefully this would keep her from being knocked over.

SEREFINA vs LAVENDEL for MAIM (Removal of nose)
Round 1 of 3


Art by Skylark