



10 Years
Extra large
03-21-2015, 04:51 PM
The male didn't show all that much reaction, simply offering a greeting of his own. He made an absentminded comment on the trees around them, and the pallid femme nodded her agreement, gaze drifting toward the scenery all around them. He posed an idle query, as to whether or not this place had been claimed as her own. A small chuckle would trickle past inky lips, curved into a lupine smile. She would shake her head, attention falling upon the bird again. "No, I'm just exploring." Accented melodies would reply casually, narrow shoulders shrugging lightly. Her mercury gaze remained upon the form of the bird. It had alighted upon a branch, which had been just above the males head. Brows would fall, eyes narrowing at the avian. How strange. Was it following her? Or him? A low huff escaped her, head tilting to one side somewhat. It was an interesting little bird, but other than that it didn't show much merit. Maybe it was like her mothers friend Corvusi, remembered briefly in the moment. Her mother had a small feline that followed her around, a companion. Maybe this bird was the same way?

Gaze was torn away at the sound of a branch creaking, moonstone optics landing upon the form of the male. He was perched upon a branch, just over her head. Eyes would widen, brows arching in mild surprise. She wouldn't have known wolves to climb trees, at all. "Now, how did you manage that one?" She enquired softly, mirth in her tone. One brow would rise in question, a tiny smile playing at her lips. Ebony toes would glide smoothly over the terra, neck craning to keep her gaze upon the man. That definitely wasn't something to be seen every day.