



10 Years
Extra large
03-21-2015, 07:01 PM
The male informed her that he'd been born in the north. It was a good place to be, with all the cool air and snow. She offered another considerate hum of acknowledgement, nodding her head a few times. What else was there to say, to such a statement? She noted his gaze drifting from her features, but it wasn't really something that concerned her. Such things rolled off her back fairly easily, so she simply let her attention shift to the bird. Bryn seemed quite proud of herself, which brought a gentle smile to the features of the pallid woman. A simple question from the cobalt hued man caught her attention once more, and she blinked at him. Brow would quirk, soft smirk playing upon inky lips. "You sure about that?" She would retort, but didn't bother waiting for a reply. Her other paw would brace itself upon the trunk, before her rear talons would aim to catch upon the bark of the tree. There was a definite set of pros to being as tall as she was. With a frown, she would note that this was not the way to be getting in a tree.

Paws would strike the ground once more, a frown playing upon her features. "Remember what I said about wolves not belonging in trees?" Accented melodies would enquire sarcastically, rhetorical query followed by a quirk of her brow in the males direction. Forepaws would stretch toward the branch, finding purchase easily. Corded muscles would push upward, lifting her lower half from the ground. Leaves would rustle quietly in protest, and then her hind talons would scrabble for purchase on the branch. Eventually she would find herself standing precariously upon the branch. "You make it look so easy." She cooed, grinning at the male. Dark paws splayed across the rough bark beneath her, balance subject to change should a strong breeze blow by. Slowly, haunches would lower to the surface of the branch beneath her until she was comfortably seated. A harsh breath would punctuate the silence, mercury gaze seeking to take in the surroundings from her new vantage point.

"This is much more pleasant than I expected." Soft lyrics offered, audits twitching. This was a good way to spend the morning, sitting in a tree. It was a new experience, but she rather liked the feeling of the dappled light upon her shoulders, even though the branch above her was looking rather suspicious. It looked rather ready to smack her in the face, if it found itself in a temper. Snorting at the thought, she directed her moonstone gaze upon the male beside her. Wolves in trees, who would have thought?