
i'll save you an echo from the hall



6 Years
03-21-2015, 07:57 PM
His smile was permanent on his lips as she pushed against him, stormy eyes soft as he gazed down at her. While he could still feel the lingering ill feelings, the sadness that would never truley go away (because that would be easy, wouldn't it?) he could feel her happiness as well. He also affected her? In such a way? The way the words slipped from her lips, her affirmation, the shock and awe they shared over what this was, whatever it was, cause his heart to skip its beat, and a warmth to spread through him. Never..never had he felt this way. Slowly he would pull more fully away from her, instantly missing the warmth and affection, as she and her little bird readied themselves for the journey.

For a moment he stood there, staring at nothing and rather silent, wondering how exactly he would explain this to his family? How could he possibly explain something he couldn't name? Destiny, fate, the could he explain this? And for a moment he was lost, eyes narrowed and face scrunched in silent emotion as he wondered how they would react? It was like when Glacier suddenly brought home Anais suddenly, but they had known each other for a while previously. Could she withstand Serefina's fire? The oddly harmonious discord of their family, they way they all clashed and yet somehow fit together like a odd warped little puzzle piece. But all that worry suddenly disappeared when he felt her at his side, pressed so snuggly, and he knew everything would be just fine, especially with her at his side. With a gentle laugh he'd turn his head, aiming to run his muzzle along the length of her neck and nuzzling into her fur, a hum vibrating his throat. "Then let's go." He said with a gentle smile, taking the first step towards his home and the unknown yet fascinating future ahead of them.

"Burn Baby Burn"