
I'll paint you a dreamscape



6 Years
03-21-2015, 08:27 PM
It hadn't be a very efficient walk, he had kept their pace slow so they could make this night last the longest he could. He had talked about his family, which was always at the forefront of his mind. His entire life depended on his family, so he would share that with her. He told her of Serefina's fire and how fiercly loyal she was, how they often supported each other when their energy or fire got too high. He spoke of Glacier, his goliath brother, and his steadfast mentality, the unmovable one. The celestial triplets and how their eyes were constantly on the skies, how close they were but still so different. Like Night and Day! "That was a bad joke." He chuckled, shaking his head. Of Terrae and gale and locha and arcus, and their ways. He spoke of their old home, of everything he could think of. The way the island had felt, their journey from there to here, their first settlement on the volcano. He wanted her to know everything, because his history is truly what he was. Everything about him depended on his siblings and his family and their safety. They were, at this moment, his everything, and he wanted her to feel as if she belonged in the mix...if something came of this of course. And it would, he was sure of it! Well...he hoped.

With a gentle sigh he glanced over at her, constantly pressed against him whether it was by him leaning or her he wasn't sure. It made for their walk to be slow, and he didn't mind at all. Instead he merely grinned, swallowing his long story as he stared at her, bathed in the moonlight. Everything about her was amazing, absolutely stunning, inside and out. "I've talked too much.." He breathed softly, moving to nuzzle against her cheek with a small laugh, sighing as he slowed to a stop. They were just before the border, and the beach was silent. Astrea and Selini were probably the only ones awake, especially with a sky so clear, but it would be hard to see this border from the viewing spot. With a careful glance around he turned to look at her again. "I am positive it'll all be fine, but don't worry if we do come across one of my siblings. They'll love to meet you." He whispered in a tender voice, smiling gently before he would nudge her, moving to step over the border. His destination was the little storm proofed den he and Serefina had made, hoping that the fire queen was in the main den and not waiting up for hi. Oh, he hoped. He, selfishly, wanted this night to be all for them, so he could know her better, and understand just what this spark that ignited between them was.

"Burn Baby Burn"