
I'll paint you a dreamscape



6 Years
03-22-2015, 01:09 AM
All her nuzzles and affection continued to both unwravel his very existance, and prove that this was what was meant to be. He believed a lot in fate and what the universe had designed for them, especially considering the way his family ran. You couldn't look at the elementas, understand their history and not believe the universe had some hand in it...or something. It was because of this that his faith in...whatever was happening was strong. He trusted these feelings, and he would leap, knowing he wouldn't entirely drown..Well, so he hoped. Gently, he'd nuzzle her in return, giving her the affection she needed as well before he continued to walk through his home.

It wasn't necessarily that he was trying to be sneaky...he just so happened to keep them close to the shadows of the den walls, keeping her close to his side to ensure they couldn't be spotted so easily. It wasn't that he wished to hide her, he just knew how overwhelming his family could be. Especially if a certain fireball came out of nowhere. Or Gale, her teases could be quite on the dot aswell. When she commented on the beauty of his home, he smiled and laughed so softly. "Wait untill morning, when the sun's heat just touches the waves and the wind still has the cool night air, it's like magic." He whispered, his muzzle inclining close to her ear as he stopped at one of the outlier dens. He hummed lightly, deciding it wasn't the safest bet to take her to the storm-proofed den, and he knew Serefina would probably be upset to find Gaia's scent in there. So he stopped, gently nuzzling into her neck. "This way.." He whispered gently, turning into the little den. He had taken his time to fill each sleeping area with furs or leaves or something nice to lay upon, especially since Voltage had a tendancy to den hop. He didn't really have one to call his own, he merely decided which family member to intrude upon that night and sleep there. His sleep schedule was also erratic, due to his energy spikes jolting him awake, so he often just napped where he could. "There's some furs if you'd like a comfy place to lay." He said softly, his smile prominant on his voice as he watched her.

"Burn Baby Burn"