
I am trying



4 Years
03-22-2015, 02:19 AM
She tried to imagine how she would feel if her parents admitted such a statement if Luck was their favourite daughter. It would cause sibling rivalry as far as her self-centred attitude outstretched. They wouldn't say something like that, would they? Instead they more likely to reply that each daughter was loved equally, which would be quite a useless answer if Varda was the one to ask it. Whether her parents kept the fact a secret or not, she would always strive for success and to always be better than she already was. Family could be seen as healthy competition through her eyes.
As much as she wanted to argue over the topic that refused to leave their conversation, it would prove nothing in its wake and only grow to be a petty waste of her time. Although it was facile to anger her emotions, her silver-tongue would have to wait for a later quarrel.
"Better not." Her words were spoken in somewhat of a grumble before her tone mimicked his with light optimism. "That's why we have secrets."

In a mannerly way, she dipped her head to acknowledge his positive motivation. It was all a matter of practice and creating good habits with her hunting. It would be easier if the pack held more hunts, or training for the other two fields that she was yet to experience. There was uncle Legend who specialised in fight training while the other Plot positions laid untouched. Surely the other two fields were just as important as her father had explained. Would she be able to organise a pack hunt as an inexperienced Prologue? That was another thing she would have to converse with her parents about.

Of course he wouldn't have planned as far as she had. If taking on small jobs to help the family like he had described to her was what he wanted to do in the future, she wouldn't argue.
"I guess it's something to think about." She responded with a shrug to his previous reply. Perhaps she would have to ask the question at a later date rather than pressuring his mind to make a decision at that moment. "The pack hasn't been training that often anyway."
