
Are You Ready To Face The Eye Of The Storm



2 Years
03-22-2015, 01:47 PM
Lavendel's jaws landed on the female's right leg, instead of her shoulder, but she still allowed a small smile at the taste of blood in her mouth. Acid green eyes closing, Lavendel released the other wolf's leg as claws scratched around her eye, but the female had barely avoided being blinded. The female's eyes opened as teeth bit into her nose, a low growl coming from the violet marked woman as she quickly shook her head, spraying blood everywhere and hopefully getting the other's jaws away from her. After she did that, Lavendel would attempt to ram into the other and knock her off her paws. At the same time, one white and violet limb was raised and aimed towards the woman's right side. She attempted to cause some scarring with her claws. After that attack, the female gave her head a vicious shake, attempting to pull away from the other female. Claws digging into the ground, Lavendel backed away a little, giving her head a final shake. Her jaws opened as she pulled her bleeding snout away from the other, but it was too late. The damage had been done to her nose, blood beading on it.

Lavendel Vs Serefina For Maim {Removal Of Nose}

Round 2/3

Attacks: Attempting to ram into Serefina and knock her off her paws, while using one paw and attempting to scratch Serefina's right side.

Injuries: Scarring over right eye, injured snout and nose.
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--